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Chrysanthemums: EK01 more  Available Hiroshima University
Category: Wild strains
Chrysanthemums: AME15 more  Available Hiroshima University
Category: Wild strains
Category : i. Chrysanthemum
Scientific name : Chrysanthemum rupestre Matsum. et Koidz.
Ploidy : 2x
Japanese name : Iwa-inchin
Collected place : Nagano
Taxonomy : Anthemideae
Reference : Masuda Y, Nakano M, Kusaba M. (2022) The complete sequence of the chloroplast genome of <i>Chrysanthemum rupestre</i>, a diploid disciform capitula species of <i>Chrysanthemum</i>. Mitochondrial DNA B Resour 7(4) 603-605
Chrysanthemums: TMQ01 more Hiroshima University
Category: Wild strains
Chrysanthemums: ZDY32 more Hiroshima University
Category: Wild strains
Chrysanthemums: KB04 more  Available Hiroshima University
Category: Wild strains
Category : i. Chrysanthemum
Scientific name : Chrysanthemum pacificum Nakai
Ploidy : 10x
Japanese name : Iso-giku
Collected place : Shizuoka
Taxonomy : Ajania pacifica
Reference : 田中大介, 加藤-秋元愛, 草場信, 谷口研至, 新野孝男, 牧慎也, 松本敏一 (2016) D cryo-plate法によるキク茎頂の超低温保存 農業生産技術管理学会誌 23・1 1-7
Chrysanthemums: ZGD01 more Hiroshima University
Category: Wild strains
Chrysanthemums: WAB28 more Hiroshima University
Category: Wild strains
Chrysanthemums: YEM06 more Hiroshima University
Category: Wild strains
Chrysanthemums: ZAW07 more Hiroshima University
Category: Wild strains
Chrysanthemums: AEH13 more  Available Hiroshima University
Category: Wild strains
Chrysanthemums: AET19 more  Available Hiroshima University
Category: Wild strains
Category : i. Chrysanthemum
Scientific name : Chrysanthemum seticuspe (Maxim.) Hand.-Mazz.
Ploidy : 2x
Japanese name : Kikutani-giku
Collected place : Wakayama
Taxonomy : Chrysanthemum
Reference : Matsushita, Yosuke. Osaka, Masaaki. () Screening of Chrysanthemum seticuspe accessions reveals different degrees of resistance to chrysanthemum stunt viroid European Journal of Plant Pathology
Chrysanthemums: AEV02 more Hiroshima University
Category: Wild strains
Category : i. Chrysanthemum
Scientific name : Chrysanthemum seticuspe (Maxim.) Hand.-Mazz.
Ploidy : 2x
Japanese name : Kikutani-giku
Collected place : Nara
Taxonomy : Chrysanthemum
Reference : Michiharu Nakano, Hideki Hirakawa, Eigo Fukai, Atsushi Toyoda, Rei Kajitani, Yohei Minakuchi, Takehiko Itoh, Yohei Higuchi, Toshiaki Kozuka, Hidemasa Bono, Kenta Shirasawa, Ippei Shiraiwa, Katsuhiko Sumitomo, Tamotsu Hisamatsu, Michio Shibata, Sachiko Isobe, Kenji Taniguchi, Makoto Kusaba () A chromosome-level genome sequence of a model chrysanthemum: evolution and 1 reference for hexaploid cultivated chrysanthemum
Nakano M, Hirakawa H, Fukai E, Toyoda A, Kajitani R, Minakuchi Y, Itoh T, Higuchi Y, Kozuka T, Bono H, Shirasawa K, Shiraiwa I, Sumitomo K, Hisamatsu T, Shibata M, Isobe S, Taniguchi K, Kusaba M. (2021) A chromosome-level genome sequence of Chrysanthemum seticuspe, a model species for hexaploid cultivated chrysanthemum. Commun Biol 4(1) 1167
Taniguchi, K., Kusaba, M., Nakata, M. and Kadota, Y. (2014) Unique Forms of Leaf and Capitulum in Chrysanthemum seticuspe (Maxim.) Hand.-Mazz. f. seticuspe Is Contained within Morphological Diversity of C. seticuspe f. boreale (Makino) H. Ohashi & Yonek. Mem. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Tokyo 49 11-15
Taniguchi, K., Motohara, K., Kusaba, M. and Nakata, M. (2014) Phylogenetic Relationships between Chrysanthemum seticuspe f. seticuspe and C. seticuspe f. boreale Based on NCED3a Gene Mem. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Tokyo 49 17-22
中野道治, 増田優, 谷口研至, 草場信 () NBRP広義キク属: キク属モデル系統の開発と植物多様性研究への展開 植物科学の最前線(BSJ-Review) 10 148-157
Nakano M, Taniguchi K, Masuda Y, Kozuka T, Aruga Y, Han J, Motohara K, Nakata M, Sumitomo K, Hisamatsu T, Nakano Y, Yagi M, Hirakawa H, Isobe SN, Shirasawa K, Nagashima Y, Na H, Chen L, Liang G, Chen R, Kusaba M. (2019) A pure line derived from a self-compatible Chrysanthemum seticuspe mutant as a model strain in the genus Chrysanthemum. Plant Sci 287 110174
田中大介, 加藤-秋元愛, 草場信, 谷口研至, 新野孝男, 牧慎也, 松本敏一 (2016) D cryo-plate法によるキク茎頂の超低温保存 農業生産技術管理学会誌 23・1 1-7
Chrysanthemums: AEV07 more  Available Hiroshima University
Category: Wild strains
Chrysanthemums: AEV10 more  Available Hiroshima University
Category: Wild strains
Chrysanthemums: AEV12 more  Available Hiroshima University
Category: Wild strains
Chrysanthemums: AEV13 more  Available Hiroshima University
Category: Wild strains
Chrysanthemums: AGJ02 more  Available Hiroshima University
Category: Wild strains
Chrysanthemums: ALQ01 more  Available Hiroshima University
Category: Wild strains
Chrysanthemums: NMb32 more  Available Hiroshima University
Category: Wild strains
Chrysanthemums: NIFS-3 more  Available Hiroshima University
Category: Wild strains
Category : i. Chrysanthemum
Scientific name : Chrysanthemum seticuspe (Maxim.) Hand.-Mazz.
Ploidy : 2x
Japanese name : Kikutani-giku
Taxonomy : Chrysanthemum
Reference : Michiharu Nakano, Hideki Hirakawa, Eigo Fukai, Atsushi Toyoda, Rei Kajitani, Yohei Minakuchi, Takehiko Itoh, Yohei Higuchi, Toshiaki Kozuka, Hidemasa Bono, Kenta Shirasawa, Ippei Shiraiwa, Katsuhiko Sumitomo, Tamotsu Hisamatsu, Michio Shibata, Sachiko Isobe, Kenji Taniguchi, Makoto Kusaba () A chromosome-level genome sequence of a model chrysanthemum: evolution and 1 reference for hexaploid cultivated chrysanthemum
Nakano Y, Takase T, Takahashi S, Sumitomo K, Higuchi Y, Hisamatsu T. (2019) Chrysanthemum requires short-day repeats for anthesis: Gradual CsFTL3 induction through a feedback loop under short-day conditions. Plant Sci 283 247-255
Nakano M, Hirakawa H, Fukai E, Toyoda A, Kajitani R, Minakuchi Y, Itoh T, Higuchi Y, Kozuka T, Bono H, Shirasawa K, Shiraiwa I, Sumitomo K, Hisamatsu T, Shibata M, Isobe S, Taniguchi K, Kusaba M. (2021) A chromosome-level genome sequence of Chrysanthemum seticuspe, a model species for hexaploid cultivated chrysanthemum. Commun Biol 4(1) 1167
Oda A, Higuchi Y, Hisamatsu T. (2020) Constitutive expression of CsGI alters critical night length for flowering by changing the photo-sensitive phase of anti-florigen induction in chrysanthemum. Plant Sci 293 110417
Oda A, Higuchi Y, Hisamatsu T. (2017) Photoperiod-insensitive floral transition in chrysanthemum induced by constitutive expression of chimeric repressor CsLHY-SRDX. Plant Sci 259 86-93
Higuchi Y, Hisamatsu T. (2015) CsTFL1, a constitutive local repressor of flowering, modulates floral initiation by antagonising florigen complex activity in chrysanthemum. Plant Sci 237 1-7
Higuchi Y, Narumi T, Oda A, Nakano Y, Sumitomo K, Fukai S, Hisamatsu T. (2013) The gated induction system of a systemic floral inhibitor, antiflorigen, determines obligate short-day flowering in chrysanthemums. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110(42) 17137-42
Nakano Y, Higuchi Y, Sumitomo K, Hisamatsu T. (2013) Flowering retardation by high temperature in chrysanthemums: involvement of FLOWERING LOCUS T-like 3 gene repression. J Exp Bot 64(4) 909-20
Yoshihiro Nakano Tomoyuki Takase Katsuhiko Sumitomo Shihori Suzuki Kana Tsuda-Kawamura Tamotsu Hisamatsu (2020) Delay of Flowering at High Temperature in Chrysanthemum: Duration of Darkness and Transitions in Lighting Determine Daily Peak Heat Sensitivity The Horticulture Journal
Yoshihiro Nakano Yohei Higuchi Katsuhiko Sumitomo Atsushi Oda Tamotsu Hisamatsu (2015) Delay of flowering by high temperature in chrysanthemum: heat-sensitive time-of-day and heat effects on CsFTL3 and CsAFT gene expression The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 90 143-149
Oda A, Narumi T, Li T, Kando T, Higuchi Y, Sumitomo K, Fukai S, Hisamatsu T. (2012) CsFTL3, a chrysanthemum FLOWERING LOCUS T-like gene, is a key regulator of photoperiodic flowering in chrysanthemums. J Exp Bot 63(3) 1461-77