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GO Related Resource Count : 49,239

GO Term Detail GO ID: GO:0004812

Term Information
Category molecular_function
Name aminoacyl-tRNA ligase activity
Synonyms aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase activity, aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase auxiliary protein activity, GO:0017100
Definition Catalysis of the formation of aminoacyl-tRNA from ATP, amino acid, and tRNA with the release of diphosphate and AMP.
Term Comment Note that the bond resulting from this reaction is a carboxylic acid ester bond, linking the alpha carboxyl group of the amino acid to either the 2' or 3' hydroxyl of the 3'- terminal adenyl residue of the tRNA.
AmiGO 2 GO:0004812
Associated Resources
Organism Species Resources Count
Associated with this GO Term directly / Associated with this GO Term and this descendants
Mice 39 / 39
C. elegans 5 / 5
Drosophila 0 / 3
Prokaryotes (E. coli) 95 / 96
Cellular slime molds 41 / 41
Tree View
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333,520 items 1 - 20 / 333520
Related Gene Product List
Symbol Ascending Order Full name Species Data source Evidence
008-29 Glutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase-like protein Oikopleura dioica InterPro IEA
UniProt IEA
008-53 Histidyl tRNA synthetase Oikopleura dioica InterPro IEA
UniProt IEA
0_14069_01 Uncharacterized protein Pinus taeda InterPro IEA
UniProt IEA
0_14069_01 Uncharacterized protein Pinus taeda InterPro IEA
UniProt IEA
0_14069_01 Uncharacterized protein Pinus taeda InterPro IEA
UniProt IEA
0_14069_01 Uncharacterized protein Pinus taeda InterPro IEA
UniProt IEA
0_14069_01 Uncharacterized protein Pinus radiata InterPro IEA
UniProt IEA
0_14221_01 Uncharacterized protein Pinus taeda InterPro IEA
0_14221_01 Uncharacterized protein Pinus taeda InterPro IEA
0_14221_01 Uncharacterized protein Pinus mugo InterPro IEA
0_14221_01 Uncharacterized protein Abies alba InterPro IEA
0_14221_01 Uncharacterized protein Pinus taeda InterPro IEA
0_14221_01 Uncharacterized protein Pinus lambertiana InterPro IEA
0_14221_01 Uncharacterized protein Pinus radiata InterPro IEA
0_14221_01 Uncharacterized protein Pinus cembra InterPro IEA
0_14221_01 Uncharacterized protein Pinus cembra InterPro IEA
0_15092_01 Uncharacterized protein Pinus taeda InterPro IEA
101145423 Uncharacterized protein Gorilla gorilla gorilla InterPro IEA
14065 Lysine--tRNA ligase Monosiga brevicollis InterPro IEA
14073 Tyrosine--tRNA ligase Monosiga brevicollis InterPro IEA
UniProt IEA
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