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Gene Ontology
Disease Ontology
GO Related Resource Count : 49,239

GO Term Detail GO ID: GO:0006520

Term Information
Category biological_process
Name cellular amino acid metabolic process
Synonyms amino acid and derivative metabolism, amino acid metabolic process, cellular amino acid and derivative metabolic process, cellular amino acid metabolism, GO:0006519
Definition The chemical reactions and pathways involving amino acids, carboxylic acids containing one or more amino groups, as carried out by individual cells.
Term Comment
AmiGO 2 GO:0006520
Associated Resources
Organism Species Resources Count
Associated with this GO Term directly / Associated with this GO Term and this descendants
Mice 24 / 262
C. elegans 7 / 60
Drosophila 20 / 84
Prokaryotes (E. coli) 246 / 1303
Yeast 0 / 3
Cellular slime molds 14 / 183
Tree View
At 'A / B resources (genes)' of the tree view, 'A' is a number of resources (genes) associated with this GO Term directly.'B' is the sum of resources (genes) associated with this GO Term and its descendants. If 'B' is bigger, it might take a lot of time to display the link of 'B'.

In "Associated GO Gene Product List", it show gene products associated with this GO Term directly.
Please click here if you want to show gene products associated with this GO Term and its descendants in "Associated GO Gene Product List". (It might take a lot of time to display.) Change List

163,591 items 1 - 20 / 163591
Related Gene Product List
Symbol Ascending Order Full name Species Data source Evidence
002-23 Alpha-methyldopa hypersensitive protein-like protein Oikopleura dioica InterPro IEA
1048 Ornithine carbamoyltransferase Syntrophomonas zehnderi OL-4 InterPro IEA
12 Pyruvoyl-dependent arginine decarboxylase Syntrophomonas zehnderi OL-4 InterPro IEA
142 Aspartate racemase Moorella glycerini InterPro IEA
1432 Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent transferase Syntrophomonas zehnderi OL-4 InterPro IEA
1434 Cysteine desulfurase, NifS Syntrophomonas zehnderi OL-4 InterPro IEA
1578 Glutamate dehydrogenase Moorella glycerini InterPro IEA
1603 Aspartate/ornithine carbamoyltransferase Moorella glycerini InterPro IEA
1775 Threonine synthase Moorella glycerini InterPro IEA
1776 Homoserine dehydrogenase Moorella glycerini InterPro IEA
17767 Predicted protein Monosiga brevicollis InterPro IEA
1778 Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent transferase Moorella glycerini InterPro IEA
17G5-11 Homoserine dehydrogenase Epichloe festucae InterPro IEA
1A1S_A Pyrococcus furiosus InterPro IEA
1AAM_A Escherichia coli InterPro IEA
1AAT_A Gallus gallus InterPro IEA
Reactome TAS
1AAT_B Gallus gallus InterPro IEA
Reactome TAS
1AAW_A Escherichia coli InterPro IEA
1AGX_A Acinetobacter glutaminasificans InterPro IEA
1AHE_A Escherichia coli InterPro IEA
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