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Gene Ontology
Disease Ontology
GO Related Resource Count : 49,239

GO Term Detail GO ID: GO:0042742

Term Information
Category biological_process
Name defense response to bacterium
Synonyms antibacterial peptide activity, defence response to bacteria, defence response to bacterium, defense response to bacteria, GO:0042830
Definition Reactions triggered in response to the presence of a bacterium that act to protect the cell or organism.
Term Comment
AmiGO 2 GO:0042742
Associated Resources
Organism Species Resources Count
Associated with this GO Term directly / Associated with this GO Term and this descendants
Mice 36 / 97
C. elegans 9 / 76
Drosophila 35 / 122
Rice 12 / 12
Prokaryotes (E. coli) 9 / 9
Cellular slime molds 24 / 26
Tree View
At 'A / B resources (genes)' of the tree view, 'A' is a number of resources (genes) associated with this GO Term directly.'B' is the sum of resources (genes) associated with this GO Term and its descendants. If 'B' is bigger, it might take a lot of time to display the link of 'B'.

In "Associated GO Gene Product List", it show gene products associated with this GO Term directly.
Please click here if you want to show gene products associated with this GO Term and its descendants in "Associated GO Gene Product List". (It might take a lot of time to display.) Change List

19,844 items 1 - 20 / 19844
Related Gene Product List
Symbol Ascending Order Full name Species Data source Evidence
101127406 Beta-defensin Gorilla gorilla gorilla UniProt IEA
101130996 Uncharacterized protein Gorilla gorilla gorilla ENSEMBL IEA
101138717 Beta-defensin Gorilla gorilla gorilla UniProt IEA
101151457 Uncharacterized protein Gorilla gorilla gorilla UniProt IEA
107L_A Enterobacteria phage T4 UniProt IEA
108L_A Enterobacteria phage T4 UniProt IEA
109L_A Enterobacteria phage T4 UniProt IEA
110L_A Enterobacteria phage T4 UniProt IEA
111L_A Enterobacteria phage T4 UniProt IEA
1127AP1_09 Lysozyme Mannheimia phage vB_MhM_1127AP1 UniProt IEA
112L_A Enterobacteria phage T4 UniProt IEA
113L_A Enterobacteria phage T4 UniProt IEA
114L_A Enterobacteria phage T4 UniProt IEA
1152AP2_75 Lysozyme Mannheimia phage vB_MhS_1152AP2 UniProt IEA
1152AP_0009 Lysozyme Mannheimia phage vB_MhM_1152AP UniProt IEA
115L_A Enterobacteria phage T4 UniProt IEA
118L_A Enterobacteria phage T4 UniProt IEA
119L_A Enterobacteria phage T4 UniProt IEA
12 Endolysin UniProt IEA
120L_A Enterobacteria phage T4 UniProt IEA
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