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リソース数: 6,595,109

リソース詳細 Strain No : RBRC00265

生物種 実験動物マウス
系統orクローン 系統
カテゴリー 近交系統
リソース名 RBRC00265
分譲の可否 分譲可
Strain Name : STM1
種名 : Mus musculus molossinus
提供条件 : 凍結胚より作出したマウスを2~4ヶ月以内に提供可能
Status : 凍結胚
Taxonomy : Mus musculus
リファレンス : Takada T, Ebata T, Noguchi H, Keane TM, Adams DJ, Narita T, Shin-I T, Fujisawa H, Toyoda A, Abe K, Obata Y, Sakaki Y, Moriwaki K, Fujiyama A, Kohara Y, Shiroishi T. (2013) The ancestor of extant Japanese fancy mice contributed to the mosaic genomes of classical inbred strains. Genome Res 23(8) 1329-38
Takada T, Ebata T, Noguchi H, Keane TM, Adams DJ, Narita T, Shin-I T, Fujisawa H, Toyoda A, Abe K, Obata Y, Sakaki Y, Moriwaki K, Fujiyama A, Kohara Y, Shiroishi T. (2013) The ancestor of extant Japanese fancy mice contributed to the mosaic genomes of classical inbred strains. Genome Res 23(8) 1329-38
Bamunusinghe D, Naghashfar Z, Buckler-White A, Plishka R, Baliji S, Liu Q, Kassner J, Oler AJ, Hartley J, Kozak CA. (2016) Sequence Diversity, Intersubgroup Relationships, and Origins of the Mouse Leukemia Gammaretroviruses of Laboratory and Wild Mice. J Virol 90(8) 4186-98
Bamunusinghe D, Naghashfar Z, Buckler-White A, Plishka R, Baliji S, Liu Q, Kassner J, Oler AJ, Hartley J, Kozak CA. (2016) Sequence Diversity, Intersubgroup Relationships, and Origins of the Mouse Leukemia Gammaretroviruses of Laboratory and Wild Mice. J Virol 90(8) 4186-98
Bamunusinghe D, Liu Q, Lu X, Oler A, Kozak CA. (2013) Endogenous gammaretrovirus acquisition in Mus musculus subspecies carrying functional variants of the XPR1 virus receptor. J Virol 87(17) 9845-55
Bamunusinghe D, Liu Q, Lu X, Oler A, Kozak CA. (2013) Endogenous gammaretrovirus acquisition in Mus musculus subspecies carrying functional variants of the XPR1 virus receptor. J Virol 87(17) 9845-55
Mochida K, Hasegawa A, Otaka N, Hama D, Furuya T, Yamaguchi M, Ichikawa E, Ijuin M, Taguma K, Hashimoto M, Takashima R, Kadota M, Hiraiwa N, Mekada K, Yoshiki A, Ogura A. (2014) Devising assisted reproductive technologies for wild-derived strains of mice: 37 strains from five subspecies of Mus musculus. PLoS One 9(12) e114305
Mochida K, Hasegawa A, Otaka N, Hama D, Furuya T, Yamaguchi M, Ichikawa E, Ijuin M, Taguma K, Hashimoto M, Takashima R, Kadota M, Hiraiwa N, Mekada K, Yoshiki A, Ogura A. (2014) Devising assisted reproductive technologies for wild-derived strains of mice: 37 strains from five subspecies of Mus musculus. PLoS One 9(12) e114305

提供機関 理研バイオリソース研究センター 実験動物開発室
代表者 吉木 淳
郵便番号 305-0074
所在地 茨城県つくば市高野台3-1-1
電話番号 029-836-5264
FAX 029-836-9010