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Reference Related Resource Count: 23,108
Organism C. elegans Category Mutants (Isolated) strain or clone Strain

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2148 items 1 - 20 / 2148
C. elegans: tm234 more  Available TWMU
Category: Mutants (Isolated)
C. elegans: tm235 more  Available TWMU
Category: Mutants (Isolated)
C. elegans: tm237 more  Available TWMU
Category: Mutants (Isolated)
C. elegans: tm238 more  Available TWMU
Category: Mutants (Isolated)
C. elegans: tm239 more  Available TWMU
Category: Mutants (Isolated)
C. elegans: tm241 more  Available TWMU
Category: Mutants (Isolated)
C. elegans: tm242 more  Available TWMU
Category: Mutants (Isolated)
C. elegans: tm246 more  Available TWMU
Category: Mutants (Isolated)
Allele : tm246
Gene name, cosmid : C44C1.4a
Gene name, 3-letter : vps-45
Taxonomy : Caenorhabditis elegans
Reference : Kage-Nakadai E, Imae R, Suehiro Y, Yoshina S, Hori S, Mitani S. (2014) A conditional knockout toolkit for Caenorhabditis elegans based on the Cre/loxP recombination. PLoS One 9(12) e114680
Gengyo-Ando K, Kuroyanagi H, Kobayashi T, Murate M, Fujimoto K, Okabe S, Mitani S. (2007) The SM protein VPS-45 is required for RAB-5-dependent endocytic transport in Caenorhabditis elegans. EMBO Rep 8(2) 152-7
Kage-Nakadai E, Kobuna H, Funatsu O, Otori M, Gengyo-Ando K, Yoshina S, Hori S, Mitani S. (2012) Single/low-copy integration of transgenes in Caenorhabditis elegans using an ultraviolet trimethylpsoralen method. BMC Biotechnol 12 1
Los FC, Kao CY, Smitham J, McDonald KL, Ha C, Peixoto CA, Aroian RV. (2011) RAB-5- and RAB-11-dependent vesicle-trafficking pathways are required for plasma membrane repair after attack by bacterial pore-forming toxin. Cell Host Microbe 9(2) 147-57
Delahaye JL, Foster OK, Vine A, Saxton DS, Curtin TP, Somhegyi H, Salesky R, Hermann GJ. (2014) Caenorhabditis elegans HOPS and CCZ-1 mediate trafficking to lysosome-related organelles independently of RAB-7 and SAND-1. Mol Biol Cell 25(7) 1073-96
Kage-Nakadai E, Imae R, Yoshina S, Mitani S. (2014) Methods for single/low-copy integration by ultraviolet and trimethylpsoralen treatment in Caenorhabditis elegans. Methods 68(3) 397-402
Maekawa M, Terasaka S, Mochizuki Y, Kawai K, Ikeda Y, Araki N, Skolnik EY, Taguchi T, Arai H. (2014) Sequential breakdown of 3-phosphorylated phosphoinositides is essential for the completion of macropinocytosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111(11) E978-87
Hermann GJ, Schroeder LK, Hieb CA, Kershner AM, Rabbitts BM, Fonarev P, Grant BD, Priess JR. (2005) Genetic analysis of lysosomal trafficking in Caenorhabditis elegans. Mol Biol Cell 16(7) 3273-88
C. elegans: tm251 more  Available TWMU
Category: Mutants (Isolated)
C. elegans: tm252 more  Available TWMU
Category: Mutants (Isolated)
C. elegans: tm256 more  Available TWMU
Category: Mutants (Isolated)
C. elegans: tm258 more  Available TWMU
Category: Mutants (Isolated)
C. elegans: tm259 more  Available TWMU
Category: Mutants (Isolated)
C. elegans: tm260 more  Available TWMU
Category: Mutants (Isolated)
C. elegans: tm267 more  Available TWMU
Category: Mutants (Isolated)
C. elegans: tm268 more  Available TWMU
Category: Mutants (Isolated)
C. elegans: tm272 more  Available TWMU
Category: Mutants (Isolated)
C. elegans: tm275 more  Available TWMU
Category: Mutants (Isolated)
C. elegans: tm278 more  Available TWMU
Category: Mutants (Isolated)
C. elegans: tm282 more  Available TWMU
Category: Mutants (Isolated)