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Gene Ontology
Reference Related Resource Count: 33,482
Organism Human and animal cells Category EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese strain or clone Strain

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Human and animal cells: HEV0011 more  Available Riken BRC Cell Bank
Category: EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese
Human and animal cells: HEV0012 more  Available Riken BRC Cell Bank
Category: EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese
Human and animal cells: HEV0013 more  Available Riken BRC Cell Bank
Category: EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese
Human and animal cells: HEV0019 more  Available Riken BRC Cell Bank
Category: EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese
Human and animal cells: HEV0022 more  Available Riken BRC Cell Bank
Category: EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese
Human and animal cells: HEV0023 more  Available Riken BRC Cell Bank
Category: EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese
Human and animal cells: HEV0024 more  Available Riken BRC Cell Bank
Category: EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese
Human and animal cells: HEV0031 more  Available Riken BRC Cell Bank
Category: EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese
Human and animal cells: HEV0032 more  Available Riken BRC Cell Bank
Category: EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese
Human and animal cells: HEV0034 more  Available Riken BRC Cell Bank
Category: EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese
Human and animal cells: HEV0035 more  Available Riken BRC Cell Bank
Category: EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese
Human and animal cells: HEV0036 more  Available Riken BRC Cell Bank
Category: EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese
Human and animal cells: HEV0037 more  Available Riken BRC Cell Bank
Category: EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese
Human and animal cells: HEV0038 more  Available Riken BRC Cell Bank
Category: EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese
Human and animal cells: HEV0039 more  Available Riken BRC Cell Bank
Category: EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese
Human and animal cells: HEV0040 more  Available Riken BRC Cell Bank
Category: EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese
Human and animal cells: HEV0041 more  Available Riken BRC Cell Bank
Category: EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese
Human and animal cells: HEV0042 more  Available Riken BRC Cell Bank
Category: EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese
Human and animal cells: HEV0043 more  Available Riken BRC Cell Bank
Category: EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese
Human and animal cells: HEV0045 more  Available Riken BRC Cell Bank
Category: EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese