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Organism Pathogenic microorganisms Category Fungi strain or clone Strain

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2312 items 1 - 20 / 2312
Pathogenic microorganisms: IFM 4121 more  Available Research Center for Pathogenic...
Category: Fungi
Pathogenic microorganisms: IFM 4521 more  Available Research Center for Pathogenic...
Category: Fungi
Pathogenic microorganisms: IFM 4807 more  Available Research Center for Pathogenic...
Category: Fungi
Pathogenic microorganisms: IFM 4809 more  Available Research Center for Pathogenic...
Category: Fungi
Pathogenic microorganisms: IFM 4810 more  Available Research Center for Pathogenic...
Category: Fungi
Pathogenic microorganisms: IFM 4811 more  Available Research Center for Pathogenic...
Category: Fungi
Pathogenic microorganisms: IFM 4812 more  Available Research Center for Pathogenic...
Category: Fungi
Pathogenic microorganisms: IFM 4813 more  Available Research Center for Pathogenic...
Category: Fungi
Pathogenic microorganisms: IFM 4814 more  Available Research Center for Pathogenic...
Category: Fungi
Scientific name : Cladophialophora carrionii, Cladosporium carrionii
Other Institute : NIH 8619, DCU 692
Source : unknown
Taxonomy : Fungi
Reference : Abliz P, Fukushima K, Takizawa K, Nishimura K. (2004) Specific oligonucleotide primers for identification of Cladophialophora carrionii, a causative agent of chromoblastomycosis. J Clin Microbiol 42(1) 404-7
Pathogenic microorganisms: IFM 4815 more  Available Research Center for Pathogenic...
Category: Fungi
Scientific name : Cladophialophora carrionii, Cladosporium carrionii
Other Institute : Qudai 526, Duke 287?, DCU 693
Source : unknown
Taxonomy : Fungi
Reference : Abliz P, Fukushima K, Takizawa K, Nishimura K. (2004) Specific oligonucleotide primers for identification of Cladophialophora carrionii, a causative agent of chromoblastomycosis. J Clin Microbiol 42(1) 404-7
Pathogenic microorganisms: IFM 4816 more  Available Research Center for Pathogenic...
Category: Fungi
Scientific name : Cladophialophora carrionii, Cladosporium carrionii
Other Institute : DCU 698
Source : unknown
Taxonomy : Fungi
Reference : Kawasaki M, Ishizaki H, Miyaji M, Nishimura K, Matsumoto T, Hombo S, Muir D. (1993) Molecular epidemiology of Cladosporium carrionii. Mycopathologia 124(3) 149-52
Pathogenic microorganisms: IFM 4817 more  Available Research Center for Pathogenic...
Category: Fungi
Scientific name : Cladophialophora carrionii, Cladosporium carrionii
Other Institute : DCU 699
Source : unknown
Taxonomy : Fungi
Reference : Kawasaki M, Ishizaki H, Miyaji M, Nishimura K, Matsumoto T, Hombo S, Muir D. (1993) Molecular epidemiology of Cladosporium carrionii. Mycopathologia 124(3) 149-52
Pathogenic microorganisms: IFM 4818 more  Available Research Center for Pathogenic...
Category: Fungi
Pathogenic microorganisms: IFM 4819 more  Available Research Center for Pathogenic...
Category: Fungi
Pathogenic microorganisms: IFM 4820 more  Available Research Center for Pathogenic...
Category: Fungi
Pathogenic microorganisms: IFM 4822 more  Available Research Center for Pathogenic...
Category: Fungi
Scientific name : Endophragmia dimorphospora type. HT
Other Institute : NHL 2717, IFO H-11643, CBS 438.74
Source : soil
Taxonomy : Fungi
Reference : T. Awao and S. Udagawa (1974) Endophragmia dimorphospora, a new hyphomycete Trans Mycol Soc Jpn 15 99-104
Pathogenic microorganisms: IFM 4826 more  Available Research Center for Pathogenic...
Category: Fungi
Scientific name : Exophiala dermatitidis
Other Institute : CBS 100338
Source : humidifier
Taxonomy : Fungi
Reference : Nishimura K, Miyaji M. (1983) Studies on the phylogenesis of pathogenic ''black yeasts''. Mycopathologia 81(3) 135-44
Nishimura K, Miyaji M. (1985) Further studies on the phylogenesis of the genus Exophiala and Hortaea. Mycopathologia 92(2) 101-9
西村和子 (1982) 病原性黒色酵母の系統発生 真菌誌 23(2) 122-131
Nishimura K, Miyaji M. (1982) Studies on a saprophyte of Exophiala dermatitidis isolated from a humidifier. Mycopathologia 77(3) 173-81
Taguchi H, Tanaka R, Nishimura K, Miyaji M. (1988) Application of flow cytometry to differentiating Exophiala dermatitidis, E. moniliae and E. jeanselmei from each other. Mycopathologia 103(2) 87-90
Miyaji M, Nishimura K (1985) Conidial ontogenesis of pathogenic black yeasts and their pathogenicity for mice Proc Indian Acad Sci (Plant Sci) 94 437-451
M. Ohkusu, M. Yamaguchi, K. Hata, S. Yoshida, R. Tanaka, K. Nishimura, G.S. de Hoog, K. Takeo (1999) Cellular and nuclear characteristics of Exophiala dermatitidis. Stud Mycol. 43 143-450
岩津都希雄, 西村和子, 宮治 誠 (1987) 真菌症における組織反応と寄生菌の動態 -Chromomycosis と Phaeomycotic cyst- 真菌誌 28(2) 164-170
西村和子 (1984) 病原性黒色真菌のマウス中枢神経系への侵襲性について 真菌誌 25(3) 211-218
de Hoog GS, Takeo K, Yoshida S, Göttlich E, Nishimura K, Miyaji M. (1994) Pleoanamorphic life cycle of Exophiala (Wangiella) dermatitidis. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 65(2) 143-53
Nishimura K, Miyaji M. (1983) Defense mechanisms of mice against Exophiala dermatitidis infection. Mycopathologia 81(1) 9-21
Yamasaki S, Matsumoto M, Takeuchi O, Matsuzawa T, Ishikawa E, Sakuma M, Tateno H, Uno J, Hirabayashi J, Mikami Y, Takeda K, Akira S, Saito T. (2009) C-type lectin Mincle is an activating receptor for pathogenic fungus, Malassezia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106(6) 1897-902
Pathogenic microorganisms: IFM 4827 more  Available Research Center for Pathogenic...
Category: Fungi
Scientific name : Exophiala dermatitidis type. T
Other Institute : IFO 6421, CBS 207.35, ATCC 28869, IMI=CMI 93967, NCMH 16
Source : facial chromomycosis of man
Taxonomy : Fungi
Reference : 西村和子 (1982) 病原性黒色酵母の系統発生 真菌誌 23(2) 122-131
Nishimura K, Miyaji M. (1982) Studies on a saprophyte of Exophiala dermatitidis isolated from a humidifier. Mycopathologia 77(3) 173-81
M. Ohkusu, M. Yamaguchi, K. Hata, S. Yoshida, R. Tanaka, K. Nishimura, G.S. de Hoog, K. Takeo (1999) Cellular and nuclear characteristics of Exophiala dermatitidis. Stud Mycol. 43 143-450
Nakai T, Uno J, Otomo K, Ikeda F, Tawara S, Goto T, Nishimura K, Miyaji M. (2002) In vitro activity of FK463, a novel lipopeptide antifungal agent, against a variety of clinically important molds. Chemotherapy 48(2) 78-81
de Hoog GS, Takeo K, Yoshida S, Göttlich E, Nishimura K, Miyaji M. (1994) Pleoanamorphic life cycle of Exophiala (Wangiella) dermatitidis. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 65(2) 143-53
Wang L, Yokoyama K, Miyaji M, Nishimura K. (2001) Identification, classification, and phylogeny of the pathogenic species Exophiala jeanselmei and related species by mitochondrial cytochrome b gene analysis. J Clin Microbiol 39(12) 4462-7
Kano K (1937) Über die Chromoblastomykose durch einen noch nicht als pathogen beschriebenen Pilz: Hormiscium dermatitidis n. sp. Archiv fur Dermatologie und Syphilis 176(3) 282-294
Kishi F, Nishimura K, Sano A, Tanaka R, Miyaji M. (2002) Histopathological examination of in vitro bone degeneration caused by a black yeast, Exophiala spinifera. Nihon Ishinkin Gakkai Zasshi 43(4) 261-4
Sharmin S, Kishi F, Sano A, Kamei K, Nishimura K, Miyaji M. (2003) Direct invasion of bones by highly pathogenic fungi in an in vitro model and its ecological significance. Nihon Ishinkin Gakkai Zasshi 44(1) 17-23
Ohori A, Endo S, Sano A, Yokoyama K, Yarita K, Yamaguchi M, Kamei K, Miyaji M, Nishimura K. (2006) Rapid identification of Ochroconis gallopava by a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) method. Vet Microbiol 114(3-4) 359-65
田中玲子, 西村和子, 宮治 誠/Reiko Tanaka, Kazuko Nishimura, Makoto Miyaji (1990) ハウスダストより分離された Hortaea wernekii/Hortaea werneckii isolated from house dust 真菌誌/Jpn J Med Mycol/Nihon Ishinkin Gakkai Zasshi. 31(1) 23-28
Pathogenic microorganisms: IFM 4829 more  Available Research Center for Pathogenic...
Category: Fungi
Pathogenic microorganisms: IFM 4830 more  Available Research Center for Pathogenic...
Category: Fungi