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Gene Ontology
Reference Related Resource Count: 33,482
Organism Prokaryotes (E. coli) Category Large-scale chromosomal deletion mutants strain or clone Strain

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Prokaryotes (E. coli): ME5000 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: Large-scale chromosomal deletion mutants
Prokaryotes (E. coli): ME5010 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: Large-scale chromosomal deletion mutants
Prokaryotes (E. coli): ME5034 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: Large-scale chromosomal deletion mutants
Prokaryotes (E. coli): ME5076 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: Large-scale chromosomal deletion mutants
Strain Name : 1655 rsh
Sex : F-
Chromosomal Markers : Δ(recB ptr recC recD)::Plac-(bet exo kan) rpsL hsdR::bla
Parent Donor : KM22
Parent Recipient : MG1655 rpsL hsdR::bla
Methods : TD./PI
Selection : kan (KmR)
Gene Ontology : GO:0005515, GO:0004527, GO:0005622, GO:0005840, GO:0006281, GO:0006412, GO:0006974, GO:0008854, GO:0009338, GO:0015935, GO:0016787, GO:0019843, GO:0030529, GO:0046677, GO:0000049, GO:0000166, GO:0003723, GO:0003735, GO:0004386, GO:0004518, GO:0004519, GO:0005524
Taxonomy : Escherichia coli
Reference : Murphy KC. (1998) Use of bacteriophage lambda recombination functions to promote gene replacement in Escherichia coli. J Bacteriol 180(8) 2063-71
Prokaryotes (E. coli): ME5119 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: Large-scale chromosomal deletion mutants
Prokaryotes (E. coli): ME5125 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: Large-scale chromosomal deletion mutants
Strain Name : LD-D16
Sex : F-
Chromosomal Markers : rpsL Δ(yjgR-yjjA, yqjL-b3122, yabC-arcC, yjcD-cadC, yiaH-yibI, rhsB-yiaE, yeeE-mrp, yccC-yceE, ygaD-b2740, intA-emrB, yejO-alkB, ompC-yfaA, yfaE-b2275, ycjD-b1505, hipA-b1579, b0245-tauD, galM-ybjZ)::tet, bla, cat
Parent Recipient : LD-Δ15
Gene Ontology : GO:0000049, GO:0003723, GO:0003735, GO:0005622, GO:0005840, GO:0006412, GO:0015935, GO:0019843, GO:0030529, GO:0046677
Taxonomy : Escherichia coli
Reference : Maeda DLNF, Tian D, Yu H, Dar N, Rajasekaran V, Meng S, Mahsoub HM, Sooryanarain H, Wang B, Heffron CL, Hassebroek A, LeRoith T, Meng XJ, Zeichner SL. (2021) Killed whole-genome reduced-bacteria surface-expressed coronavirus fusion peptide vaccines protect against disease in a porcine model. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118(18)
Prokaryotes (E. coli): ME4561 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: Large-scale chromosomal deletion mutants
Deletion : OCR05-15
Strain : MG1655 rsh3 D(OCR5-15):Cm / p(rfaH) (rfaH / D153-A) No.3
System : SD2-D153
Plasmid(C-D) : p(rfaH)
Vector : mFCm4 (KmR CmS)
D : D2-2
Taxonomy : Escherichia coli
Reference : Pelosi L, Vo CD, Abby SS, Loiseau L, Rascalou B, Hajj Chehade M, Faivre B, Goussé M, Chenal C, Touati N, Binet L, Cornu D, Fyfe CD, Fontecave M, Barras F, Lombard M, Pierrel F. (2019) Ubiquinone Biosynthesis over the Entire O
Prokaryotes (E. coli): ME4641 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: Large-scale chromosomal deletion mutants
Prokaryotes (E. coli): ME4746 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: Large-scale chromosomal deletion mutants