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Gene Ontology
Reference Related Resource Count: 33,482
Organism Prokaryotes (B. subtilis) Category BKE Genome-Scale deletion strain or clone Strain

Associated Resources List

3973 items 1 - 20 / 3973
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): BKE00100 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: BKE Genome-Scale deletion
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): BKE38640 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: BKE Genome-Scale deletion
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): BKE01660 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: BKE Genome-Scale deletion
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): BKE01960 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: BKE Genome-Scale deletion
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): BKE02640 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: BKE Genome-Scale deletion
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): BKE02760 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: BKE Genome-Scale deletion
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): BKE02980 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: BKE Genome-Scale deletion
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): BKE03380 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: BKE Genome-Scale deletion
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): BKE03810 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: BKE Genome-Scale deletion
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): BKE04480 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: BKE Genome-Scale deletion
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): BKE05420 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: BKE Genome-Scale deletion
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): BKE06400 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: BKE Genome-Scale deletion
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): BKE00490 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: BKE Genome-Scale deletion
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): BKE01460 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: BKE Genome-Scale deletion
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): BKE01670 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: BKE Genome-Scale deletion
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): BKE02010 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: BKE Genome-Scale deletion
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): BKE02670 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: BKE Genome-Scale deletion
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): BKE02780 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: BKE Genome-Scale deletion
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): BKE02990 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: BKE Genome-Scale deletion
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): BKE03520 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: BKE Genome-Scale deletion