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Organism Rice Category Mutant lines(KYUSHU Collection) strain or clone Strain

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Rice: CM1272 more  Available Kyushu University (Inst. of Ge...
Category: Mutant lines(KYUSHU Collection)
Rice: CM211 more  Available Kyushu University (Inst. of Ge...
Category: Mutant lines(KYUSHU Collection)
Phenotype (Seedling) : Leaf color:Pale green leaf
Phenotype (After transplant) : plant length:Dwarf
Phenotype (Vegetative) : plant length:Dwarf
Taxonomy : Oryza
Reference : Asano K, Hirano K, Ueguchi-Tanaka M, Angeles-Shim RB, Komura T, Satoh H, Kitano H, Matsuoka M, Ashikari M. (2009) Isolation and characterization of dominant dwarf mutants, Slr1-d, in rice. Mol Genet Genomics 281(2) 223-31
Rice: CM211 more  Available Kyushu University (Inst. of Ge...
Category: Mutant lines(KYUSHU Collection)
Phenotype (Seedling) : plant length:semi dwarf
Phenotype (After transplant) : plant length:Dwarf
Phenotype (After Heading) : plant length:Dwarf
Taxonomy : Oryza
Reference : Asano K, Hirano K, Ueguchi-Tanaka M, Angeles-Shim RB, Komura T, Satoh H, Kitano H, Matsuoka M, Ashikari M. (2009) Isolation and characterization of dominant dwarf mutants, Slr1-d, in rice. Mol Genet Genomics 281(2) 223-31
Rice: CM761 more  Available Kyushu University (Inst. of Ge...
Category: Mutant lines(KYUSHU Collection)
Rice: CM761 more  Available Kyushu University (Inst. of Ge...
Category: Mutant lines(KYUSHU Collection)
Rice: CM829 more  Available Kyushu University (Inst. of Ge...
Category: Mutant lines(KYUSHU Collection)
Rice: CM829 more  Available Kyushu University (Inst. of Ge...
Category: Mutant lines(KYUSHU Collection)
Rice: CM873 more  Available Kyushu University (Inst. of Ge...
Category: Mutant lines(KYUSHU Collection)
Rice: CM873 more  Available Kyushu University (Inst. of Ge...
Category: Mutant lines(KYUSHU Collection)
Rice: CM935 more  Available Kyushu University (Inst. of Ge...
Category: Mutant lines(KYUSHU Collection)
Rice: CM935 more  Available Kyushu University (Inst. of Ge...
Category: Mutant lines(KYUSHU Collection)
Rice: TCM2410 more  Available Kyushu University (Inst. of Ge...
Category: Mutant lines(KYUSHU Collection)