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Gene Ontology
Reference Related Resource Count: 23,108
Organism Prokaryotes (B. subtilis) Category KAO/NAIST strains strain or clone Strain

Associated Resources List

60 items 1 - 20 / 60 Show All
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): TMO310 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: KAO/NAIST strains
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): TMO311 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: KAO/NAIST strains
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): NED0100 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: KAO/NAIST strains
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): NED0202 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: KAO/NAIST strains
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): NED0802 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: KAO/NAIST strains
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): NED0803 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: KAO/NAIST strains
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): NED0804 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: KAO/NAIST strains
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): NED0900 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: KAO/NAIST strains
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): NED1400 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: KAO/NAIST strains
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): NED1500 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: KAO/NAIST strains
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): NED3402 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: KAO/NAIST strains
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): NED0301 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: KAO/NAIST strains
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): NED0302 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: KAO/NAIST strains
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): NED0400 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: KAO/NAIST strains
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): NED0501 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: KAO/NAIST strains
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): NED0600 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: KAO/NAIST strains
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): NED1002 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: KAO/NAIST strains
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): NED1003 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: KAO/NAIST strains
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): NED1100 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: KAO/NAIST strains
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis): NED1200 more  Available National Institute of GENETICS
Category: KAO/NAIST strains