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Human embryonic stem cells: KhES-1  Available Institute for Life and Medical Sciences, Kyoto University
Category: Human ES cell
Karyotype : normal diploid cell (female)
Stem Cell Marker : "Alkaline phosphatase, SSEA-3, SSEA-4, TRA-1-60, TRA-1-81, Nanog, Oct-3/4, Rex-1"
Differenciation potency : "neuronal cells and pigment cells were observed in in vitro culture, muscle, cartilage, gut-like epithelium were observed in teratomas."
Taxonomy : Homo sapiens
Reference : Sone M, Itoh H, Yamahara K, Yamashita JK, Yurugi-Kobayashi T, Nonoguchi A, Suzuki Y, Chao TH, Sawada N, Fukunaga Y, Miyashita K, Park K, Oyamada N, Sawada N, Taura D, Tamura N, Kondo Y, Nito S, Suemori H, Nakatsuji N, Nishikawa S, Nakao K. (2007) Pathway for differentiation of human embryonic stem cells to vascular cell components and their potential for vascular regeneration. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 27(10) 2127-34
International Stem Cell Initiative, Adewumi O, Aflatoonian B, Ahrlund-Richter L, Amit M, Andrews PW, Beighton G, Bello PA, Benvenisty N, Berry LS, Bevan S, Blum B, Brooking J, Chen KG, Choo AB, Churchill GA, Corbel M, Damjanov I, Draper JS, Dvorak P, Emanuelsson K, Fleck RA, Ford A, Gertow K, Gertsenstein M, Gokhale PJ, Hamilton RS, Hampl A, Healy LE, Hovatta O, Hyllner J, Imreh MP, Itskovitz-Eldor J, Jackson J, Johnson JL, Jones M, Kee K, King BL, Knowles BB, Lako M, Lebrin F, Mallon BS, Manning D, Mayshar Y, McKay RD, Michalska AE, Mikkola M, Mileikovsky M, Minger SL, Moore HD, Mummery CL, Nagy A, Nakatsuji N, O''Brien CM, Oh SK, Olsson C, Otonkoski T, Park KY, Passier R, Patel H, Patel M, Pedersen R, Pera MF, Piekarczyk MS, Pera RA, Reubinoff BE, Robins AJ, Rossant J, Rugg-Gunn P, Schulz TC, Semb H, Sherrer ES, Siemen H, Stacey GN, Stojkovic M, Suemori H, Szatkiewicz J, Turetsky T, Tuuri T, van den Brink S, Vintersten K, Vuoristo S, Ward D, Weaver TA, Young LA, Zhang W. (2007) Characterization of human embryonic stem cell lines by the International Stem Cell Initiative. Nat Biotechnol 25(7) 803-16
Hasegawa K, Fujioka T, Nakamura Y, Nakatsuji N, Suemori H. (2006) A method for the selection of human embryonic stem cell sublines with high replating efficiency after single-cell dissociation. Stem Cells 24(12) 2649-60
Hattori F, Chen H, Yamashita H, Tohyama S, Satoh YS, Yuasa S, Li W, Yamakawa H, Tanaka T, Onitsuka T, Shimoji K, Ohno Y, Egashira T, Kaneda R, Murata M, Hidaka K, Morisaki T, Sasaki E, Suzuki T, Sano M, Makino S, Oikawa S, Fukuda K. (2010) Nongenetic method for purifying stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Nat. Methods 7(1) 61-6
Kuroda T, Tada M, Kubota H, Kimura H, Hatano SY, Suemori H, Nakatsuji N, Tada T. (2005) Octamer and Sox elements are required for transcriptional cis regulation of Nanog gene expression. Mol Cell Biol 25(6) 2475-85
Hatano SY, Tada M, Kimura H, Yamaguchi S, Kono T, Nakano T, Suemori H, Nakatsuji N, Tada T. (2005) Pluripotential competence of cells associated with Nanog activity. Mech Dev 122(1) 67-79
Suzuki K, Mitsui K, Aizawa E, Hasegawa K, Kawase E, Yamagishi T, Shimizu Y, Suemori H, Nakatsuji N, Mitani K. (2008) Highly efficient transient gene expression and gene targeting in primate embryonic stem cells with helper-dependent adenoviral vectors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105(37) 13781-6
Sumi T, Tsuneyoshi N, Nakatsuji N, Suemori H. (2008) Defining early lineage specification of human embryonic stem cells by the orchestrated balance of canonical Wnt/beta-catenin, Activin/Nodal and BMP signaling. Development 135(17) 2969-79
Adachi K, Suemori H, Yasuda SY, Nakatsuji N, Kawase E. (2010) Role of SOX2 in maintaining pluripotency of human embryonic stem cells. Genes Cells 15(5) 455-70
Kuroda Y, Kitada M, Wakao S, Nishikawa K, Tanimura Y, Makinoshima H, Goda M, Akashi H, Inutsuka A, Niwa A, Shigemoto T, Nabeshima Y, Nakahata T, Nabeshima Y, Fujiyoshi Y, Dezawa M. (2010) Unique multipotent cells in adult human mesenchymal cell populations. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107(19) 8639-43
Hayashi H, Morizane A, Koyanagi M, Ono Y, Sasai Y, Hashimoto N, Takahashi J. (2008) Meningeal cells induce dopaminergic neurons from embryonic stem cells. Eur J Neurosci 27(2) 261-8
Ueno M, Matsumura M, Watanabe K, Nakamura T, Osakada F, Takahashi M, Kawasaki H, Kinoshita S, Sasai Y. (2006) Neural conversion of ES cells by an inductive activity on human amniotic membrane matrix. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103(25) 9554-9
Fujioka T, Yasuchika K, Nakamura Y, Nakatsuji N, Suemori H. (2004) A simple and efficient cryopreservation method for primate embryonic stem cells. Int J Dev Biol 48(10) 1149-54
Hasegawa K, Cowan AB, Nakatsuji N, Suemori H. (2007) Efficient multicistronic expression of a transgene in human embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells 25(7) 1707-12
International Stem Cell Initiative Consortium, Akopian V, Andrews PW, Beil S, Benvenisty N, Brehm J, Christie M, Ford A, Fox V, Gokhale PJ, Healy L, Holm F, Hovatta O, Knowles BB, Ludwig TE, McKay RD, Miyazaki T, Nakatsuji N, Oh SK, Pera MF, Rossant J, Stacey GN, Suemori H. (2010) Comparison of defined culture systems for feeder cell free propagation of human embryonic stem cells. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Anim. 46(3-4) 247-58
Ohgushi M, Matsumura M, Eiraku M, Murakami K, Aramaki T, Nishiyama A, Muguruma K, Nakano T, Suga H, Ueno M, Ishizaki T, Suemori H, Narumiya S, Niwa H, Sasai Y. (2010) Molecular pathway and cell state responsible for dissociation-induced apoptosis in human pluripotent stem cells. Cell Stem Cell 7(2) 225-39
Takayama N, Nishikii H, Usui J, Tsukui H, Sawaguchi A, Hiroyama T, Eto K, Nakauchi H. (2008) Generation of functional platelets from human embryonic stem cells in vitro via ES-sacs, VEGF-promoted structures that concentrate hematopoietic progenitors. Blood 111(11) 5298-306
Shiraki N, Umeda K, Sakashita N, Takeya M, Kume K, Kume S. (2008) Differentiation of mouse and human embryonic stem cells into hepatic lineages. Genes Cells 13(7) 731-46
Suemori H, Yasuchika K, Hasegawa K, Fujioka T, Tsuneyoshi N, Nakatsuji N. (2006) Efficient establishment of human embryonic stem cell lines and long-term maintenance with stable karyotype by enzymatic bulk passage. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 345(3) 926-32
Watanabe K, Ueno M, Kamiya D, Nishiyama A, Matsumura M, Wataya T, Takahashi JB, Nishikawa S, Nishikawa S, Muguruma K, Sasai Y. (2007) A ROCK inhibitor permits survival of dissociated human embryonic stem cells. Nat Biotechnol 25(6) 681-6
Senju S, Suemori H, Zembutsu H, Uemura Y, Hirata S, Fukuma D, Matsuyoshi H, Shimomura M, Haruta M, Fukushima S, Matsunaga Y, Katagiri T, Nakamura Y, Furuya M, Nakatsuji N, Nishimura Y. (2007) Genetically manipulated human embryonic stem cell-derived dendritic cells with immune regulatory function. Stem Cells 25(11) 2720-9
Saeki K, Saeki K, Nakahara M, Matsuyama S, Nakamura N, Yogiashi Y, Yoneda A, Koyanagi M, Kondo Y, Yuo A. (2009) A feeder-free and efficient production of functional neutrophils from human embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells 27(1) 59-67
Human embryonic stem cells: KhES-2  Available Institute for Life and Medical Sciences, Kyoto University
Category: Human ES cell
Karyotype : normal diploid cell (female)
Stem Cell Marker : "Alkaline phosphatase, SSEA-3, SSEA-4, TRA-1-60, TRA-1-81, Nanog, Oct-3/4, Rex-1"
Differenciation potency : "neuronal cells and pigment cells were observed in in vitro culture, muscle, cartilage, gut-like epithelium were observed in teratomas."
Taxonomy : Homo sapiens
Reference : International Stem Cell Initiative, Adewumi O, Aflatoonian B, Ahrlund-Richter L, Amit M, Andrews PW, Beighton G, Bello PA, Benvenisty N, Berry LS, Bevan S, Blum B, Brooking J, Chen KG, Choo AB, Churchill GA, Corbel M, Damjanov I, Draper JS, Dvorak P, Emanuelsson K, Fleck RA, Ford A, Gertow K, Gertsenstein M, Gokhale PJ, Hamilton RS, Hampl A, Healy LE, Hovatta O, Hyllner J, Imreh MP, Itskovitz-Eldor J, Jackson J, Johnson JL, Jones M, Kee K, King BL, Knowles BB, Lako M, Lebrin F, Mallon BS, Manning D, Mayshar Y, McKay RD, Michalska AE, Mikkola M, Mileikovsky M, Minger SL, Moore HD, Mummery CL, Nagy A, Nakatsuji N, O''Brien CM, Oh SK, Olsson C, Otonkoski T, Park KY, Passier R, Patel H, Patel M, Pedersen R, Pera MF, Piekarczyk MS, Pera RA, Reubinoff BE, Robins AJ, Rossant J, Rugg-Gunn P, Schulz TC, Semb H, Sherrer ES, Siemen H, Stacey GN, Stojkovic M, Suemori H, Szatkiewicz J, Turetsky T, Tuuri T, van den Brink S, Vintersten K, Vuoristo S, Ward D, Weaver TA, Young LA, Zhang W. (2007) Characterization of human embryonic stem cell lines by the International Stem Cell Initiative. Nat Biotechnol 25(7) 803-16
Hasegawa K, Fujioka T, Nakamura Y, Nakatsuji N, Suemori H. (2006) A method for the selection of human embryonic stem cell sublines with high replating efficiency after single-cell dissociation. Stem Cells 24(12) 2649-60
Hattori F, Chen H, Yamashita H, Tohyama S, Satoh YS, Yuasa S, Li W, Yamakawa H, Tanaka T, Onitsuka T, Shimoji K, Ohno Y, Egashira T, Kaneda R, Murata M, Hidaka K, Morisaki T, Sasaki E, Suzuki T, Sano M, Makino S, Oikawa S, Fukuda K. (2010) Nongenetic method for purifying stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Nat. Methods 7(1) 61-6
Sumi T, Tsuneyoshi N, Nakatsuji N, Suemori H. (2007) Apoptosis and differentiation of human embryonic stem cells induced by sustained activation of c-Myc. Oncogene 26(38) 5564-76
Hasegawa K, Cowan AB, Nakatsuji N, Suemori H. (2007) Efficient multicistronic expression of a transgene in human embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells 25(7) 1707-12
International Stem Cell Initiative Consortium, Akopian V, Andrews PW, Beil S, Benvenisty N, Brehm J, Christie M, Ford A, Fox V, Gokhale PJ, Healy L, Holm F, Hovatta O, Knowles BB, Ludwig TE, McKay RD, Miyazaki T, Nakatsuji N, Oh SK, Pera MF, Rossant J, Stacey GN, Suemori H. (2010) Comparison of defined culture systems for feeder cell free propagation of human embryonic stem cells. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Anim. 46(3-4) 247-58
Takayama N, Nishikii H, Usui J, Tsukui H, Sawaguchi A, Hiroyama T, Eto K, Nakauchi H. (2008) Generation of functional platelets from human embryonic stem cells in vitro via ES-sacs, VEGF-promoted structures that concentrate hematopoietic progenitors. Blood 111(11) 5298-306
Suemori H, Yasuchika K, Hasegawa K, Fujioka T, Tsuneyoshi N, Nakatsuji N. (2006) Efficient establishment of human embryonic stem cell lines and long-term maintenance with stable karyotype by enzymatic bulk passage. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 345(3) 926-32
Watanabe K, Ueno M, Kamiya D, Nishiyama A, Matsumura M, Wataya T, Takahashi JB, Nishikawa S, Nishikawa S, Muguruma K, Sasai Y. (2007) A ROCK inhibitor permits survival of dissociated human embryonic stem cells. Nat Biotechnol 25(6) 681-6
Saeki K, Saeki K, Nakahara M, Matsuyama S, Nakamura N, Yogiashi Y, Yoneda A, Koyanagi M, Kondo Y, Yuo A. (2009) A feeder-free and efficient production of functional neutrophils from human embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells 27(1) 59-67
Human embryonic stem cells: KhES-3  Available Institute for Life and Medical Sciences, Kyoto University
Category: Human ES cell
Karyotype : normal diploid cell (male)
Stem Cell Marker : "Alkaline phosphatase, SSEA-3, SSEA-4, TRA-1-60, TRA-1-81, Nanog, Oct-3/4, Rex-1"
Differenciation potency : "neuronal cells and pigment cells were observed in in vitro culture, muscle, cartilage, gut-like epithelium were observed in teratomas."
Taxonomy : Homo sapiens
Reference : International Stem Cell Initiative, Adewumi O, Aflatoonian B, Ahrlund-Richter L, Amit M, Andrews PW, Beighton G, Bello PA, Benvenisty N, Berry LS, Bevan S, Blum B, Brooking J, Chen KG, Choo AB, Churchill GA, Corbel M, Damjanov I, Draper JS, Dvorak P, Emanuelsson K, Fleck RA, Ford A, Gertow K, Gertsenstein M, Gokhale PJ, Hamilton RS, Hampl A, Healy LE, Hovatta O, Hyllner J, Imreh MP, Itskovitz-Eldor J, Jackson J, Johnson JL, Jones M, Kee K, King BL, Knowles BB, Lako M, Lebrin F, Mallon BS, Manning D, Mayshar Y, McKay RD, Michalska AE, Mikkola M, Mileikovsky M, Minger SL, Moore HD, Mummery CL, Nagy A, Nakatsuji N, O''Brien CM, Oh SK, Olsson C, Otonkoski T, Park KY, Passier R, Patel H, Patel M, Pedersen R, Pera MF, Piekarczyk MS, Pera RA, Reubinoff BE, Robins AJ, Rossant J, Rugg-Gunn P, Schulz TC, Semb H, Sherrer ES, Siemen H, Stacey GN, Stojkovic M, Suemori H, Szatkiewicz J, Turetsky T, Tuuri T, van den Brink S, Vintersten K, Vuoristo S, Ward D, Weaver TA, Young LA, Zhang W. (2007) Characterization of human embryonic stem cell lines by the International Stem Cell Initiative. Nat Biotechnol 25(7) 803-16
Hasegawa K, Fujioka T, Nakamura Y, Nakatsuji N, Suemori H. (2006) A method for the selection of human embryonic stem cell sublines with high replating efficiency after single-cell dissociation. Stem Cells 24(12) 2649-60
Hattori F, Chen H, Yamashita H, Tohyama S, Satoh YS, Yuasa S, Li W, Yamakawa H, Tanaka T, Onitsuka T, Shimoji K, Ohno Y, Egashira T, Kaneda R, Murata M, Hidaka K, Morisaki T, Sasaki E, Suzuki T, Sano M, Makino S, Oikawa S, Fukuda K. (2010) Nongenetic method for purifying stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Nat. Methods 7(1) 61-6
Suzuki K, Mitsui K, Aizawa E, Hasegawa K, Kawase E, Yamagishi T, Shimizu Y, Suemori H, Nakatsuji N, Mitani K. (2008) Highly efficient transient gene expression and gene targeting in primate embryonic stem cells with helper-dependent adenoviral vectors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105(37) 13781-6
Sumi T, Tsuneyoshi N, Nakatsuji N, Suemori H. (2008) Defining early lineage specification of human embryonic stem cells by the orchestrated balance of canonical Wnt/beta-catenin, Activin/Nodal and BMP signaling. Development 135(17) 2969-79
Sumi T, Tsuneyoshi N, Nakatsuji N, Suemori H. (2007) Apoptosis and differentiation of human embryonic stem cells induced by sustained activation of c-Myc. Oncogene 26(38) 5564-76
Hasegawa K, Cowan AB, Nakatsuji N, Suemori H. (2007) Efficient multicistronic expression of a transgene in human embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells 25(7) 1707-12
International Stem Cell Initiative Consortium, Akopian V, Andrews PW, Beil S, Benvenisty N, Brehm J, Christie M, Ford A, Fox V, Gokhale PJ, Healy L, Holm F, Hovatta O, Knowles BB, Ludwig TE, McKay RD, Miyazaki T, Nakatsuji N, Oh SK, Pera MF, Rossant J, Stacey GN, Suemori H. (2010) Comparison of defined culture systems for feeder cell free propagation of human embryonic stem cells. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Anim. 46(3-4) 247-58
Takayama N, Nishikii H, Usui J, Tsukui H, Sawaguchi A, Hiroyama T, Eto K, Nakauchi H. (2008) Generation of functional platelets from human embryonic stem cells in vitro via ES-sacs, VEGF-promoted structures that concentrate hematopoietic progenitors. Blood 111(11) 5298-306
Suemori H, Yasuchika K, Hasegawa K, Fujioka T, Tsuneyoshi N, Nakatsuji N. (2006) Efficient establishment of human embryonic stem cell lines and long-term maintenance with stable karyotype by enzymatic bulk passage. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 345(3) 926-32
Watanabe K, Ueno M, Kamiya D, Nishiyama A, Matsumura M, Wataya T, Takahashi JB, Nishikawa S, Nishikawa S, Muguruma K, Sasai Y. (2007) A ROCK inhibitor permits survival of dissociated human embryonic stem cells. Nat Biotechnol 25(6) 681-6
Senju S, Suemori H, Zembutsu H, Uemura Y, Hirata S, Fukuma D, Matsuyoshi H, Shimomura M, Haruta M, Fukushima S, Matsunaga Y, Katagiri T, Nakamura Y, Furuya M, Nakatsuji N, Nishimura Y. (2007) Genetically manipulated human embryonic stem cell-derived dendritic cells with immune regulatory function. Stem Cells 25(11) 2720-9
Saeki K, Saeki K, Nakahara M, Matsuyama S, Nakamura N, Yogiashi Y, Yoneda A, Koyanagi M, Kondo Y, Yuo A. (2009) A feeder-free and efficient production of functional neutrophils from human embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells 27(1) 59-67
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