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Resource Information HPS0177

Resource Information
Organism Human and animal cells
strain or clone Strain
Category Human iPS cell lines
Resource name HPS0177
Availability Available
cell name : HPS0177
Classification : iPS
Indicates Stage : 1-9 years
Sex : Female
Subspecies : Japanese
Lifespan : infinite
Morphology : ES-like
Animal : human
General characteristics : Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Pompe’s disease. HPS0175 and HPS0176 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector.
Taxonomy : Homo sapiens
Reference : Sato Y, Kobayashi H, Higuchi T, Shimada Y, Ida H, Ohashi T. (2016) TFEB overexpression promotes glycogen clearance of Pompe disease iPSC-derived skeletal muscle. Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev 3 16054
Sato Y, Kobayashi H, Higuchi T, Shimada Y, Era T, Kimura S, Eto Y, Ida H, Ohashi T. (2015) Disease modeling and lentiviral gene transfer in patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells from late-onset Pompe disease patient. Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev 2 15023
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Distributors information
Organization Cell Engineering Division (Cell Bank), RIKEN BioResource Research Center
Person in charge NAKAMURA Yukio
Postal Code 305-0074
Address 3-1-1 Koyadai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Phone 029-836-3611
FAX 029-836-9130
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