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Resource Information BRC No : psi00174

Resource Information
Organism Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes
strain or clone Strain
Category individual line (mutant and transgenic line)
Resource name psi00174
Availability Available
Resource Name : cyp735a1-2 cyp735a2-2
Species : Arabidopsis thaliana
AGI Locus : At1g67110,At5g38450
Phynotype : Significant reduction in rosette diameter; reduced leaf blade size and petiole length; rounder leaf with delayed abaxial trichome production; decreased cell number per leaf; significantly smaller SAM diameter; slightly delayed bolting time; short and thin primary inflorescence stem; reduced number of flower buds and flowers; enhanced shoot branching; increased number of nodes with axillary bud leaves and primary rosette branches; decreased primary cauline branches
Memo : Phenotype:Significant reduction in rosette diameter; reduced leaf blade size and petiole length; rounder leaf with delayed abaxial trichome production; decreased cell number per leaf; significantly smaller SAM diameter; slightly delayed bolting time; short and thin primary inflorescence stem; reduced number of flower buds and flowers; enhanced shoot branching; increased number of nodes with axillary bud leaves and primary rosette branches; decreased primary cauline branches
Depositor / Developer : RIKEN CSRS/Dr.Sakakibara
Taxonomy : Arabidopsis thaliana
Reference : Landrein B, Formosa-Jordan P, Malivert A, Schuster C, Melnyk CW, Yang W, Turnbull C, Meyerowitz EM, Locke JCW, Jönsson H. (2018) Nitrate modulates stem cell dynamics in <i>Arabidopsis</i> shoot meristems through cytokinins. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 115(6) 1382-1387
Hallmark HT, Rashotte AM. (2020) Cytokinin isopentenyladenine and its glucoside isopentenyladenine-9G delay leaf senescence through activation of cytokinin-associated genes. Plant Direct 4(12) e00292
Hallmark HT, Černý M, Brzobohatý B, Rashotte AM. (2020) trans-Zeatin-N-glucosides have biological activity in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS One 15(5) e0232762
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Organization Experimental Plant Division, RIKEN BioResource Research Center
Person in charge KOBAYASHI Masatomo
Postal Code 305-0074
Address 3-1-1 Koyadai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Phone 029-836-9067
FAX 029-836-9053
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