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Organism Category
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Gene Ontology
Disease Ontology
Resource count : 6,594,866


Mice 777,404
Rats 559,526
Japanese macaques 167,159
Chicken 38
Quail 22
Clawed frogs / Newts 370,553
Zebrafish 2,282
Medaka 1,299,238
Ciona intestinalis 591
Drosophila 307,328
Silkworms 194,015
C. elegans 14,782
Oxycomanthus japonicus 27
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes 599,028
Rice 21,756
Wheat 1,269,813
Barley 145,571
Lotus 200,714
Glycine 47,885
Tomatoes 194,892
Chrysanthemums 596
Morning glories 63,440
Algae 4,321
Paramecium 69
Cellular slime molds 13,406
Yeast 108,478
General microbes 19,469
Prokaryotes (E. coli) 34,090
Prokaryotes (B. subtilis) 7,838
Pathogenic microorganisms 28,498
Virus 165
Other bacteria 32
Human and animal cells 12,108
DNA materials 129,727
Human embryonic stem cells 5

Data revised on :
April 15, 2024

About BioResourceWorld

BioResourceWorld is an integrated search site for experimental bioresources.

This site, still in its developing stage, is conducted as part of the activities carried out by the Information Center of the National BioResource Project(NBRP).